Nearly a Year!

I have realised with a sense of guilt and amazement that it is nearly 12 months since my last post here.  The time has flown by and I have a need to explain and bring this site up to date. I discovered that I enjoy designing and making jewellery.

Now how did that happen, not something I would ever have thought I would have a talent for, but it would seem I was wrong.

I mentioned else where that I had been trying a number of crafts that I had either always had an interest in, or a curiosity to learn more.

So 2015 saw me travelling to Norfolk to learn basket making, an absolutely fabulous course, really enjoyed the day and loved making my basket. Brought bundle of willow home to make more. Then to Cambridgeshire for a 2/3rd day to learn about silver clay and the jewellery one can make from this marvellous substance and finally taking a chalk painting course.

The silver clay really stuck a chord somewhere deep inside and I was off on the path to making jewellery. This has been all consuming.

However, in October 2015 my husband finally agreed that we could have a dog! I have wanted to have a dog for so many years but working the hours I used to it just wasn’t possible. And so in early December the lovely Bailey joined the family. He is a gorgeous liver and white sprocker. Very demanding but adorable.

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